Tech Upgrade at Ralph Wilson Stadium
This build had a lot of important firsts.
The control room is built around the very first Ross Acuity switcher, which was signed by all the members of the Ross development team.
This is the first appearance of Forecast’s custom 3D logo end panels. Rather than using a printed graphics or stickers on the end panel, a 3D representation of the bills logo was fabricated and hand painted to match the teams colors exactly. Four of the larger logos were created 3 are installed in the control room and the fourth hangs in Forecast’s NY office.
Finally this was the first build where Forecast CEO Ryan was on site during the integration phase of the build. It proved to be an amazing experience. The feedback and ideas Ryan received inspired many updates to our existing products lines and helped guide some new ones.
Thanks to Kevin and George from Diversified for allowing me to hang out and allowing me to ask so many questions. A special thanks to Steve Asposto for letting us participate in such a fantastic project and all the invaluable feedback.
Ryan Haberman
CEO, Forecast Consoles